domingo, 19 de julio de 2009

Habló Lugo: Compara su salida de Boston con el divorcio con una mujer

IMPACTODEPORTIVO.COM-Horas después de ser separado del equipo de Boston, Julio Lugo dio su punto de vista al Boston Herald.
"Cuando ves una mujer que luce bien, luego te casas, pero no siempre las cosas funciona bien", dijo Lugo este sábado para explicar su caso.
"Yo hice lo más que pude, pero desafortunadamente las cosas no funcionaron".
Lugo dijo que quizás lo que ha ocurrido es lo mejor para ambas partes.
"Yo quería que funcionara, pero no pasó así", dijo Lugo al Boston Herald.
Lugo firmó un contrato de 4 años por 36 millones de dólares hace tres temporadas.
"No estoy feliz con lo que ha pasado, pero cuando las cosas no funcionan, lo mejor es seguir adelante", agregó.
Nota en inglés
“When you see a good looking girl, you get married and sometimes things don’t work out,” Lugo said. “I gave it my best and unfortunately things didn’t work out. This is the best for both parties. I wanted it to work out but it didn’t.”
The Red Sox signed Lugo to a four-year deal on December 13, 2006. That deal was worth $9 million per year. The team now has 10 days to assign Lugo’s contract to a minor league club or to another major league club through a trade or through waivers.
According to a baseball source, at least three teams have indicated some interest in Lugo. The teams are the Mets, Cardinals and Cubs, according to the source.
“I’m not satisfied with the way it worked out,” said Lugo, explaining that the Red Sox “treated me good” during his time with the club. “I wanted to play. I wanted to play good. I wanted to play right here with the Red Sox.
“I’m not happy that that didn’t happen,” Lugo said. “But when things don’t work out, it’s best to move on.”
This season Lugo struggled coming back from a knee injury that required surgery in March. He was batting .284 on the season and struggled to cover his ground in the field. Lugo played in just four of the last 25 games the Sox played before the All-Star Break.

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